

Due to extreme weather all over the globe, we have to use some antidotes to deal with it. People around the world use heaters of multiple types considering their resources and availabilities. Some of them have their choices for designs. Woodstove fans are one thing you can also go for because they don’t use electricity and completely run on heat energy or you call thermal energy. Wood costs a little too much but these best wood stove fans are causing it to be cheaper overall because of its efficiency.

Here’s a small Guide to buying a wood stove fan

Things to be considered:

When you’re looking to purchase a wood stove fan, there are so many aspects that you might want to keep in mind for a better and wise purchase. Here are some of the factors that you should consider carefully while buying one:

1.Automatic Control

Automatic control means that the stove and the fan will detect a particular temperature that triggers it on and starts working to give negative feedback against that increased temperature. The advantage of this feature is that you will no longer have to turn the unit on and off by yourself every time when needed– something that is quite easy to forget often, believe it or not.
Most fans are actually heat-powered, meaning that they use the energy and heat produced by the stove which is very environmental friendly as well. This is commonly referred to as the Peltier effect, and it’s something that may easily save you on battery power which is getting expensive day by day.

2.Noise Control

Most of the wood stove fan will create a certain level of noise – some of them are noisier, while others are quieter and are more preferred.  If you live in a small home or are particularly affected or annoyed by noise, then you might want to go for a heat-powered fan, as it shows to be quieter in comparison to an electric tower fan. Since the latter runs on a motor, it produces more noise when turned on.


The more blades it has, the more heat is bound to be circulated into the room increasing temperature. Most fans feature two blades, but you may also come across wood stove fans that have three or more than three blades.

4.Installation of wood stove fan

When you are looking to install a new product, perhaps the last thing that you want is to spend hours trying to install it properly and get it running. Look for a unit that does not require you to make any changes to your stove and something that can be easily attached or placed in its position.


Keep it in mind that not every wood stove fan is compatible with every other type of fan. So, you might want to ensure that the fan you buy is compatible with the unit you have or you have chosen to buy. It might be a cheap and convenient fan – but if you have to reconstruct everything for it, then it might not be worth the investment and it will increase the installation costs as well.

6.The Square feet of the Apartment

When you get a wood stove fan, you also have to carefully consider the square feets of your apartment which will have a big impact on your purchase and selection options. For instance, if you have a small apartment, not only will a large fan seem rather loud – even if it’s heat-based – but it may also be too powerful and also a waste of money. Instead of making you feel warm, the fan will circulate things too strongly and make you feel cold instead because of its heavy power.

7.The Capacity of heat generation of the Wood Stove

How much heat can the wood stove produce? Do you know it’s BTU rating? These things might sound like sci-fi to you – but in truth, they are actually very essential. If your stove’s output is too low, then a regular fan might not be as efficient. You will have to find a product that can function properly using low heat levels.

8.Temperature resisting capacity

Not every wood stove fan can resist high fire capacity or too much heat – which is why you may want to read the fine print and ensure that your model of choice does resist it. The last thing you want is for your product to break down or meltdown simply because the temperature was too high causing it to malfunction or might disable it– in which case, even the warranty will not be able to cover the repairs. You want to be certain that the model you get is compatible with the temperature produced by your wood-burning stove in case to get accurate results.

9.CFM Rating

The CFM rating abbreviate cubic feet per meter, and it concerns how many cubic feet the fan can flow in just a minute. The higher the fan’s value, the greater your airflow will be means high heat coping capacity. This will be especially important to think about if you have a large room or a bigger space. The bigger the room is, the higher the CFM should be in a minute.


For some people, this is the last thing they consider. How does it matter if the fan looks good or not, as long as it can do a good job? Well, you’ll be surprised to find out the number of people who refuse to buy a particular fan, simply because it does not look aesthetically pleasing. And in fact, if the fan is placed in a visible spot and looks like it just went through a war, then it might ruin the interior view of the entire room.


Keep in mind that this fan will continuously be exposed to heat, which means that you have to buy something that is made from higher-quality metal which can cope it. This metal must be able to withstand high temperatures. Thermoplastic fans, for example, might be less expensive – but if you expose them to some more high temperatures, then they might end up melting it.
At the same time, you might want to refrain from using softer metals. These can accumulate a lot of heat – and in the end, they will present themselves as a burning hazard to you. For this reason, you might want to pick out a fan that is made from steel to prevent burning effect, and that does not have any plastic fans that may be easily damaged.


The warranty is one very important aspect to consider – particularly if you have paid quite a high price for that wood stove fan. Obviously, you may want to go for a product with as long a warranty as possible to deal with your insecurity of spoiling your money. The average manufacturer will give you a one-year warranty – but you may also get an extension to it if you pay extra to.get some more warranty. Also, other manufacturers give you a longer warranty if you register your product within a designated time.

13.Child Safety

If you have children, you know how easy it might be for them to stick their fingers into the fan because they love it when you are not looking. First things first, you might want to teach them how to stay away from the fire pit and to keep a close eye on them for their safety. 
After considering and knowing all these points, you’ll have to be very careful and selective about which one you want to purchase. As each one is unique in its own way.  For this reason, we have put together some of the best wood stove fan reviews, so that you make the most appropriate choice for your preferences.

1.ECOFAN AirMax Wood Stove Fan

If you are looking for a larger wood stove fan capable of directing air through a spacious larger room, then this unit is certainly a perfect choice for you. Thanks to its larger blades, it features the ability for it to warm up a room up to 38% faster.
This unit requires no electricity because thermal powered, and it is also very easy to install. Moreover, it saves you on fuel, requiring you to use 18% less fuel making it efficient.
It has the ability to operate temperatures between the range of 185 – 650 degrees Fahrenheit – thus, it provides you with warmth even when the fire runs out. It’s perfect for maintaining a pleasant temperature for a longer period in larger rooms

  • It has 2-years of warranty
  • Capable of circulating air through rooms of all sizes, including larger rooms.
  • It is made from a high-quality material, for higher durability


  • Manual spin required to start at first
  • Has slow spin at low temperature.

2.CAFRAMO Wood Stove Fan

Its apparently almost a look a like of ECOFAN but this one is made for customers looking for higher durability and safety factors, because it’s made of steel.
With its ability to reduce fuel usage by 18%, this one allows you to save money by not using as much wood in the stove making it cheaper. Moreover, since it does not use electricity, it saves you money on the power bill just like other wood stove fans.
Designed to be placed at the top of a freestanding stove, this unit can warm up the air 38% faster. This means you will not have to waste fuel by simply waiting for the heat to come out and wait for lesser time for it to warmth the room.

  • It is very efficient in  warmth delivery
  • No noise, as it does not use electricity
  • Made from durable material.


  • In case of lower flame, gives less warmer air
  • Does not circulate warm air properly in the whole room

3.GALAFIRE Start Silent Heat Powered Wood Stove Fan

Medium-sized rooms would suit perfectly to this one fan. Powered by heat, this fan starts spinning automatically when it reaches a certain temperature – and also shuts itself down automatically when it seems to overheat which shows it has a thermostat. And this feature is quite feasible because it enables you to be carefree.
Since it features a compact design, this fan can be placed on narrow spaces as well for small apartments, However, considering that it has four blades, it can easily circulate a fair amount of warm air – making it perfect for any kind of room which makes it perfect for both small or big houses.
This wood stove fan was made to burn less fuel – and barely make any noise. It’s the perfect choice if you are a fan of your quiet time.

  • Quiet blade-spinning action because non-electrical
  • Efficient distribution of warm air.
  • A lifetime of technical support


  • Reported that air circulation is weak
  • The warranty does not cover much

4.Ecofan UltrAir, Heat Powered Stove Fan

Those of you searching for a good mid-size fan might want to go for this particular model. With the ability to warm the air up to 31% faster, this one is perfect to use in small to mid-sized rooms making it perfect for small and big houses
The fan requires no power source, as it uses the thermal energy in the stove and converts it to electricity. It’s perfect if you want something eco-sustainable that can save up on the power bill as well.
Plus, unlike products that have a limited one-year warranty, this one is backed by two years which is customers relieve. This means that if anything goes wrong and it malfunctions, you will receive technical support to deal with it.

  • It comes with a lengthy warranty of 2 years
  • It is perfect for warming up small – medium-sized rooms
  • Efficient circulation of warm air


  • It is expensive

5.Sonyabecca Heat Powered Stove Fan

If you want something that is not too expensive, nor too cheap and in the budget then this is something that you might consider as “just right.” Featuring four large blades, this can easily circulate air throughout medium-sized rooms – circulating the air entirely making it perfect for medium sized rooms.
This fan body material can withstand heat going from 50 degrees Celsius to 350 degrees. The hotter the air gets, the faster the fan will begin to spin – but it is also very efficient when the flame is low which is a plus point.
The fan is made from anodized aluminum. Saving it from  rust or corrode, but it is also very resistant to heat. This product is expected to last for quite a long time because of its higher durability

  • Great price-to-value ratio
  • made from durable materials
  • Not noisy


  • May not be very efficient when it comes to bigger rooms, better for medium sized rooms only.

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